Application instructions

All applicants to the College must hold a university degree. Candidates must submit a formal application for admission, which consists of an online application

Applications need to be submitted with all the requested supporting documents before the closing date.

All applicants, including students who do not apply for a scholarship, must indicate their selection committee (in principle according to their nationality) in the application form. Should there be no selection committee, please select 'No selection committee - College of Europe'. This does not apply to MATA (Master in Transatlantic Affairs) and Tirana (ETI) applicants.

Recommendation letters are in the form of online recommendation questionnaires that are automatically sent to your nominated referees via email through your online application.

  • In the online application under sections "Reference 1" and "Reference 2" you have to indicate who your 2 referees are. Once you completed the referee contact information and clicked on the "send reference request" button your referees will receive an automatic email with a link leading to the reference form that they need to complete and submit.  
  • The reference form exists out of 2 parts. The 4 required fields of part 1 have to be completed. Part 2 can be completed and/or your referee can choose to upload a reference letter which he/she can upload at the bottom of the reference form. 
  • When the referee has submitted his/her reference form you will be informed automatically by email. Deadline date for the referee to submit the reference form is the 23rd of January 2024 at 23:59.
  • Please note that the Admissions Office is not authorized to accept references sent by email/post either from the applicant or directly from the referee.
  • In case the referee does not receive your request by email please advise him/her to check his/her spam/junk folder (& the Promotions tab - Gmail account). If the message is not in that folder then try to resend your request. If that does not work please contact the Admissions Office.
  • Referees who did not submit a reference, will receive 1 automatic reminder just before the deadline.

In order to complete the online application, you will need among others the following information/documents:

  • title of degree(s) already obtained: start and end date (university, faculty, etc.)
  • title of degree(s) to be obtained: start and end date (university, faculty, etc.)
  • other academic activities
  • professional experience: type, employer, start and end date, job title
  • language knowledge (English, French, and other), level see language requirements pages
  • motivation (min 300 words)
  • interest in and experience with EU and Transatlantic Affairs (min 300 words) - for MATA applicants only!  
  • Names and e-mail addresses of 2 professors/assistant professors/associate professors (who taught you at university and can assess your performance) in order for you to send a reference request to them via the online application system
  • CV in Europass format
  • copy of your university degree(s) - document(s) in the original language and translation into English or French (if you are not yet in possession of your final degree, please send it by email as soon as it is available) - high school diploma not needed
  • transcript(s) from your University, Faculty, School, detailing results for every year of your studies and grades obtained - document(s) in the original language and translation into English or French (if no full transcript available: upload a list of courses for the missing semester/year)
  • Erasmus studies (if applicable): mention your Erasmus experience as a separate ‘degree’ (upload a transcript – if no transcript available: upload a list of courses)
  • passport or national identity card 
  • passport photo  

Good to know!

  • Please upload your documents in PDF format only (JPG and PNG only when specified)
  • Some problems (online application) can be solved by using a different browser such as Google Chrome or by updating your current browser
  • If applicable, please contact your selection committee to know if other documents are required
  • It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure all materials are submitted online.  Applications which are not complete, i.e. including all required uploads, cannot be submitted and will not be reviewed
  • Please do not wait until the last moment to submit your application in order to avoid unexpected technical & other problems

General News


EU Diplomacy Paper 3/2024

The Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies has published a new EU Diplomacy Paper entitled "The ‘Graveyard of Umpires’? The Hard-Learned Lessons that Afghanistan Taught EU...