Natolin Library

The Natolin Library holds a collection of over 45,000 books covering all the subjects taught on the campus and many more. It also boasts a large periodicals collection on European Affairs and an extensive collection of electronic and data resources.

In addition, it offers a wide range of user services: book acquisition and loans; document delivery services; interlibrary loans; photocopying, downloading and printing; reference services; fixed network access points and wireless access. A highly equipped computer room is accessible via the library which offers internet, e-mail, word-processing and other software facilities to students of the College. Moreover, students at Natolin are able to access the full catalogues of the library in Bruges and order books and articles by arrangement with the library staff.

The library also arranges guides to the library, as well as lectures and tutorials on research methods.

To find out more, please follow this link to the comprehensive library website and catalogue.


Natolin Library Director
​Mr Wiktor T. POŹNIAK
+48 22 54 59 440  /  Fax: +48 22 64 91 290
​Ul. Nowoursynowska 84  /  Library
PL-02/797 Warsaw

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