Leave a gift in your will

Leaving a gift in your will is one way you can act today to support the College of Europe and future generations of students.
Making a will does not have to be complicated. Every notary will be happy to inform you about your possibilities. And after you have taken care of your loved ones, you may wish to leave a gift in your will to the College of Europe. 


The College of Europe, as a non-profit organisation, is member of Testament.be (website only available in Dutch and French). This organisation aims to create awareness of the possibility to take a non-profit organisation as a beneficiary in a will.  

Free guide book ‘Bien régler, bien léguer’ 

If you would like to get familiarized with the legislation of leaving a part of your legacy to a non-profit organization, such as the College of Europe, the organization ‘Testament.be’ published the guide book ‘Bien régler, bien léguer’ (only available in Dutch and French).
You can request a free copy of this practical guide book by sending an email to katrijn.pieters@coleurope.eu

General News


Algeria-Morocco-Tunisia Cultural Day 2023

A lively cultural showcase took place on 17 November 2023. It was organized by the students under the guidance of Student Affairs and Professional Development Office (SAPDO). This event celebrated the...