The United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies  (UNU-CRIS) is a research and training institute of the United Nations University, based in Bruges with close collaborative, academic and intellectual links to the College of Europe.

Although the fruitful and structural partnership with UNU-CRIS formally ended in 2016, a close working relationship will remain. This entails that students of the College of Europe are very welcome to borrow books in the UNU-CRIS library

The mission of UNU-CRIS is to contribute towards achieving the universal goals of the UN through comparative and interdisciplinary research and training for a better understanding of the processes and impact of intra- and inter-regional integration. The aim is to build policy-relevant knowledge about new forms of governance and cooperation, and to contribute to capacity building on issues of integration and cooperation particularly in developing countries.

Contact person Mrs. Pascale VANTORRE (pvantorre@cris.unu.edu)
Address UNU-CRIS
c/o Grootseminarie
Potterierei 72, 2nd floor
BE-8000 Bruges, Belgium
Tel. +32-50-47.11.00
Fax +32-50-47.13.09


General News


Statement - 16 February 2024

Since 2021, the College of Europe has adopted, also thanks to the input of students, a revised Code of Conduct that guarantees transparent and rigorous procedures to ensure that each member of the...