
The College of Europe was established in 1949 in Bruges in Belgium. Since 1992 the College has operated on two campuses in two host countries, in Bruges (Belgium) and in Natolin (Poland). Each campus is administered by its respective governing bodies, respectively under Belgian and Polish legislation. In all academic matters, the campuses act under the governance of a single Academic Council. More info on the Governing Bodies page.

Residential life: a European microcosm

The College’s residential life is a vital component of the student experience. By living in student residences, students from across Europe and beyond live and work together, in the classroom, in the residences, and in the College as a whole. The intensity of this personal experience and interaction ensures that students become familiar with the full cultural and social diversity of Europe and learn how to work in an international environment.


Bruges with its maze of medieval streets, meandering canals and green city ramparts enthrals millions of visitors every year.

The campus in Bruges, with its nine halls of residence, is located in the historic centre of what is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and a former "European Capital of Culture".


Natolin (Warsaw)

Natolin (Warsaw) offers the unique experience of an historic capital at the forefront of the dynamic changes taking place in Central Europe today.

The campus in Natolin forms part of a 120 hectare historical park and nature reserve.


General News


Job vacancies across the three campuses

The College of Europe is currently recruiting new academic and administrative staff across its three campuses in Bruges (Belgium), Natolin (Poland) and Tirana (Albania). Don't miss out on the diverse...