Natolin Pledge 5 // A team of experts

In the 2020/2021 academic year, we set up expert teams and task forces that coordinate our pandemic response.

All students benefit from the support of dedicated staff members who not only fulfil a pastoral function but also help with matters related to the Polish healthcare system, COVID-19 testing, travel and potential border restrictions, and much more.

The College of Europe in Natolin also works with an experienced epidemiologist, who serves as our in-house expert, and provides advice on our pandemic response when needed.

Finally, we are also supported by a team of lawyers who track ongoing Polish legislation on matters such as lockdowns and any potential travel and meeting restrictions. This helps us produce timely and high-quality briefs for our students, staff, and visiting professors, and adapt to an evolving situation.

General News


EU Diplomacy Paper 3/2024

The Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies has published a new EU Diplomacy Paper entitled "The ‘Graveyard of Umpires’? The Hard-Learned Lessons that Afghanistan Taught EU...