Selected publications

"La Pologne au coeur de l'Europe, de 1914 à ces jours, Histoire politique et conflits de mémoire"

Georges MINK, Paris, Buchet Chastel, 2015

"Polska w sercu Europy, od 1914 do czasów najnowszych, historia polityczna i konflikty pamięci"(translation from French in an extended and updated version),
Wydawnictwo Literackie, Cracovie, 2017

"Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine I - Theoretical Aspects and Analyses on Religion, Memory, and Identity"

"Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine II - An Oral History of the Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of Dignity"

"Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemprary Ukraine III - Archival Records and Historical Sources on the 1990 Revolution on Granite"

Paweł KOWAL, Georges MINK, Iwona REICHARDT, Adam REICHARDT, Kateryna PRYSHCHEPA, College of Europe in Natolin and Natolin European Centre, 2019-2022.


His book The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1733-1795: Light and Flame, published by Yale University Press in 2020, won the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America’s Oskar Halecki Award in 2021 and the Polish Historical Society’s Pro Historia Polonorum prize in 2022. The longer Polish edition, Światło i płomień. Odrodzenie i zniszczenie Rzeczypospolitej (1733-1795), published by Wydawnictwo Literackie in 2022, won the Polish Historical Society’s Karol Modzelewski Prize for the Historical Book of the Year in 2023.

His other books are:

  • The Constitution of 3 May 1791: Testament of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Warsaw: Polish History Museum, 2021; downloadable here; Polish, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and German editions, Lithuanian Braille edition);
  • (ed., with Wioletta Pawlikowska), Social and Cultural Relations in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Microhistories (New York: Routledge, 2019);
  • (ed., with Quincy Cloet and Alex Dowdall), Breaking Empires, Making Nations? The First World War and the Reforging of Europe (Warsaw: College of Europe Natolin and Natolin European Centre, 2017);
  • The Polish Revolution and the Catholic Church, 1788-1792: A Political History (Oxford: OUP, 2012; longer Polish edition: Polska Rewolucja a Kościół katolicki 1788-1792, Kraków: Arcana and Muzeum Historii Polski, 2012, second edition 2019);
  • (ed., with Simon Davies and Gabriel Sánchez Espinosa), Peripheries of the Enlightenment (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, SVEC 2008:1);
  • (ed.), The Polish-Lithuanian Monarchy in European Context, c. 1500-1795 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001; Polish translation: Warsaw: Bellona, 2010);
  • Poland’s Last King and English Culture: Stanisław August Poniatowski, 1732-1798 (Oxford: OUP, 1998; revised Polish edition: Stanisław August a kultura angielska, Warsaw: IBL, 2000).

Georges MINK


  • "History, Memory and Politics in Central and Eastern Europe, Memory Games" (co-eds with L. Neumayer), Palgrave, 2013
  • "La Pologne au coeur de l'Europe, de 1914 à ces jours, Histoire politique et conflits de mémoire", Paris, Buchet Chastel, 2015
  • "Polska w sercu Europy, od 1914 do czasów najnowszych, historia polityczna i konflikty pamięci", (traduction du français en version augmentée et mise à jour), Wydawnictwo Literackie, Cracovie, 2017
  • "Three revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine 1, Theoretical Aspects and Analyses on Religion, Memory and Identity", Pawel Kowal, Georges Mink, Iwona Reichardt (eds.), IBIDEM Verlag, Distributed by Columbia University Press, Stuttgardt, 2019,775 p.
  • "Three revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine 2, An Oral History of the Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, and Revolution of Dignity", Pawel Kowal, Iwona Reichardt, Georges Mink, Adam Reichardt (eds.), IBIDEM Verlag, Distributed by Columbia University Press, Stuttgardt, 2019, 780 p.


  • « Mémoire, histoire et politique en Europe centrale, de la réconciliation à la réactivation des conflits du passé », in La Vie de l’esprit, en Europe centrale et orientale depuis 1945, dictionnaire encyclopédique, Chantal Delsol et Joanna Nowicki (dirs), Editions du CERF, 2021, pp. 328-334
  • "Nowe spojrzenie na 1989 rok w świetle jego konsekwencji" [Nouveau regard sur 1989 à la lumière de ses consequences], Almanach 2020/2021, Concilium Civitas, Fondation Collegium Civitas, Varsovie, 2020, pp. 228-239
  • "Pozytiwizm europejski" [Positivisme européen], in "Europa – czas przemian wspolnotowosci" [l’Europe – le temps des changements de la communauté], (sous la dir. de Basil KERSKI et alii), ECS, Gdansk, 2016, 5 pp.
  • "Czy istnieje nowa, instytucjonalna odpowiedz na zbrodnie komunizmu?" [Is there a new institutionnal response to the crimes of communism?], in "Rozliczanie totalitarnej przeszlosci: instytucje i ulice" [Règlement du passé totalitaire : institutions et rues],  (ed. A. PACZKOWSKI), ISP-PAN, Varsovie, 2017, pp.  71-97
  • "Europe i jej sasiedzi. Historia i pamiec narodowa. Zmiana skali" [l’Europe et ses voisins. Histoire et mémoire nationale. Changement d’échelle], Almanach 2019/2020, Concilium Civitas (ed. J. ŻAKOWSKI), Fondation Collegium Civitas, Varsovie, 2019, pp. 191-203
  • "The Long-Lasting Revolution in Ukraine: Challenges Related to Researching the Phenomenon" (with Pawel KOWAL), Pawel KOWAL, Georges Mink, Iwona REICHARDT (eds.),  in "Three revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine 1, Theoretical Aspects and Analyses on Religion, Memory and Identity", IBIDEM Verlag, Distributed by Columbia University Press, Stuttgardt, 2019, pp. 19-59
  • "Introduction" in "Pologne, 1989, comment le communisme s’est effondré" by Jérôme HEURTAUX, , Codex/Le courrier d’Europe Centrale, 2019, pp. 15-21
  • “Do hymnu wdarł się „obcy”… „Polskość” w kontekście europejskim" [Un”étranger” s’est glissé dans l’hymne... « La Polonité » dans le contexte européen] in "Niedokończona wojna. "Polskość" jako zadanie pokoleniowe" [Une guerre inachevée. “La Polonité” en tant que défi générationnel], (ed. Robert TRABA, Instytut Studiów Politycznych, Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Varsovie, 2020, pp. 55-70


  • « Pologne : la tentation autocratique peut-elle s’inverser ? », Politique Etrangère, nr. 4, décembre, 2021, IFRI, Dunod, Paris
  • "L'Europe centrale à l'épreuve de l'autoritarisme", Politique Etrangère, Paris, IFRI, Dunod, n°2/2016, pp. 89-101
  • "Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Porträt", Ost-West. Europäische Perspektiven 17, (2016), pp, 295-301
  • "Three Revolutions : A Research Project", with Pawel KOWAL,  New Eastern Europe, N° 1, (XXV), January-February, 2017, pp. 8-11
  • “Laying the groundwork for reconciliation: Poland-Ukraine perspective”, New Eastern Europe, N° 1, (XXV), January-February, 2017, pp. 116-124
  • "Historien dans la cité : Les historiens polonais face à l’expérience de la démocratie illibérale", Histoire@Politique, Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po- Paris, n° 31, avril, 2017,  revue en ligne
  • "Czy rewolucja jest pojeciem aktualnym (moze operacjonalnym)" [Est-ce que la révolution est un concept d’actualité (peut-être même operationnel ?] Polska The Times,  Varsovie, 4 mars 2017
  • "Is there a new institutional response to the crimes of communism? National memory agencies in post-communist countries: the Polish case (1998-2014), with references to the East German case", in Nationalities Papers , The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Routledge, volume 45, n°6, novembre 2017, pp. 992-1013
  • "Sociology and sociologists working in totalitarian and post-totalitarian regimes in Central Europe, 1945-1989", STATE/OF/ARTS, Social theory and Eastern Europe, Institut de Sociologie, UW, Varsovie, biannual, nr2, vol 13, 2017,  (parution 2018), pp. 19-45
  • "The International Spread of State Intervention in History and Historical Memory", OBSERVING MEMORIES, nr2, November 2018, University of Barcelona, pp. 36-42


  • Ouvrage de Patrick PLESKOT à partir de l’interview avec Georges MINK et des documents de la police politique, "Tam i z powrotem, Georges Mink w slowach, dokumentach, obrazach" [Aller/Retour, Georges Mink : en paroles, documents et images], Varsovie, 2018, 278 p.

Publications, pedagogical activities and expertise of Georges MINK

Marek Aleksander CICHOCKI


  • Początek końca historii. Tradycje polityczne w XIX wieku. Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy Warszawa 2021, ISBN 978-83-8196-328-2, stron 592.
  • Nord und Süd. Texte zur polnischen Geschichtskultur, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2020,  ISBN 978-3-447-11516-2, stron 296.
  • Světy, které neznáme, Centrum pro stadium demokracie a kultury, Brno 2020, ISBN 978-80-7325-500-8, stron 135.
  • Contemporary States and the Crisis of the Western Order, ed. Marek Cichocki, Peter Lang 2020, ISBN 978-3-631-80390-5, stron 310.

Chapters & articles:

  • Asymmetrie ohne Zentrum und Peripherie Deutsch-polnische Unversöhntheit, Osteuropa Zeitschrift 1-2/2023, pp 143-153. 
  • Quel che i soldi non comprano, "Limes - Rivista Italiana Di Geopolitica", numero 2/2023. 
  • "Walka o świat. Dlaczego w jednym świecie powraca geopolityka i cywilizacyjna rywalizacja oraz co to może dla nas oznaczać", Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 2022. 
  • Epoki mają własny intrygujący biologiczny zegar - Cover story and introducing interview in “Nowe Ksiązki” Magazine, April 2022
  • The German Paradox: A European Economic or Political Power? (rozdział) [w:] Tomasz Grzegorz Grosse, Fuel for Dominance. On the Economic Bases of Geopolitical Supremacy, Peter Lang, Berlin 2020, (s. 165-188)
  • Coupure democratique en Europe et la division Est-Ouest, (rozdział), [w:] La démocratie dans l'adversité, wyd: Chantal Delsol, Giulio de Ligio, Les éditions de cerf, 2019.
  • Russische Aggression gegen Ukraine. Folgen für die Sicherheitslage aus der polnischen Sicht, [in:] Kampf um die Ukraine. Ringen um Selbstbestimmung und geopolitische Interessen, ed. Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven, Nomos Verlaggesellschaft Baden-Baden 2018.

General News


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